
Ozan and Naz

The two people that complete my life...

The red drink of doom
Bayat milkshake? MILKSHAKE
Scary Naz
Ozan attacks
and Naz defends her self in my pjs with the help of a wooden spoon


Feeding Ozan

<3 I'm pretty
When Naz feels left out

Lemon juice!

Ezinlenler partisi

Olmus guvercine benziyomus. Naz sen guvercine benziyosun.

Ozan told her to dance and without any inclination to do otherwise, she agreed wholeheartedly

Picnic sepeti


<3 aylavyuaylavyuaylavyu

Testing the pixels on my camera, there's actually a picture of a couple of watermelons on the phone. Pasteque.

He loves his mom.

"Ulan uc yasinda veletler gibi..."


Naz being attacked by Ozan.

CHP sleeping during election time (Watch me go into symbolism)
This is Naz being sad.
Yeah. See webster's entry for grossed out.
Ok this is basically us contemplating the poster of the movie which we just saw. It must be entrancing since they couldn't take their eyes from it. Weird how you start to realize a couple of things that are present on the posters once you finished watching the movie. And then a couple of things that are eventually present on the poster yet did not appear in the movie. Now that's the fun part.
Festival time.

Or election time.

Whichever you prefer.
Pasteque et jus de citron.


He's describing Naz who naively stares at his bewitching expression.
Ajdar <3>


Blogger Elif said...

Rengim, birinin çok acil olarak seni yemesi gerek.

(çok açım)

ноября 27, 2007  
Anonymous Анонимный said...

bi kerem o bildiin ölmüş güvercindi yani çünkü yine öyle sandım:)

ozan:on dirai des ptites filles ki jouent a la dinette(evet öyle:))

çok güzeldi ya, yine yaz gelsin, ozan gelsin

ноября 27, 2007  

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